Flying Tiger Aviation was incorporated in 1997 in Hong Kong to provide professional aviation services throughout Asia, the Middle East and Africa, for these past 25 years.


3rd Floor, Zona Financeira do Patriota, Edificio Rovuma, Luanda, Angola

Hong Kong

New Henry House Suite #08-01 10

Ice House Street Central Hong Kong

Tel: +852 3693-1408

Fax: +852 3691-8536

flying tiger

About Us

Introduction & Background

About Flying Tiger

Since the company’s incorporation in 1998, Flying Tiger Aviation and Support Services Ltd. has specialized in operating helicopters in remote areas or geographical locations where existing support services are either unavailable or have never previously operated.


Staffed by experienced professionals and with a reputation for safe and efficient operations, the company is known as a specialist in those areas of rotary wing that are complex, difficult, and challenging.


The company’s main operational focus includes operation of contracts on behalf of the offshore oil and gas industry, Search And Rescue (SAR) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) services. Over the past several years, the company has become a leading training provider for commercial and government helicopter operators, specializing in Simulator and Cockpit Based training.


With an emphasis on safety and reliability, as well as only promising what can be realistically delivered, Flying Tiger Aviation has built up a large client list over the past 13 years. As a result, the company has expanded its offerings in response to our client’s requests, and now operates a large consultancy and advisory division within the company. On the operational level, the company continues to grow but has limited growth to ensure a continuing level of reliability and delivery that has become the company’s hallmark.


The company has successfully managed operations in a range of countries with a particular focus on the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. The management and staff of Flying Tiger have been involved in helicopter operations in some of the harshest environments where helicopters are operated;


In the Middle East:
United Arab Emirates, Republic of Yemen, Iran, Qatar, Afghanistan


In Southeast Asia: 

Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Solomon Islands, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand.


In Africa: 

Somalia, Angola, Rwanda, Uganda, Namibia, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Algeria, Libya, Chad and Cameroon. 

In addition Flying Tiger management have been involved in rotary wing operations which provided the most basic needs to the most sophisticated operations. Some of these include: 

Offshore and Onshore Helicopter operations for Multinational Petroleum companies. 

Cargo transportation, both internal to carrying cargo on a 250 foot longline. 

Transportation of personnel in configuations ranging from a 26 passenger helicopter to a 3 passenger helicopter. 

Transportation of valuable cargo (including precious metals such as gold) and all aspects of security. 

Aeromedical & EMS services. 

Electrical tower construction including stringing of power lines. 

Pipeline construction. 

Oil spill recovery 

Search and rescue (SAR) 

VIP Transport 

Other areas of operations include the following: 

Operations have included the following helidecks, highrise roof-tops, aircraft carriers and military field operations. 

Seismic support 


Oil rig support 

Logistical support for military operations 



Safety Audits 

Quality Assurance Assessments 

Operations Initialization (permits, manuals, insurance, equipment) 

Flying Tiger personnel have been involved in over 5,000 hours of incident free commercial Russian helicopter time